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Class 12 Higher Secondary Open School

NIOS, Rabindra Mukta Open School Admission for Class 10 or Madhyamik or Secondary and Class 12 or Sr. Secondary or H.S in Kolkata

What is Open School?

Open School is a ground-breaking and engaging institution, which is a common cause for the pupils, teachers, and parents. Open school is constituted by a learning community. It is a place where – thanks to using the full potential of modern technologies. Here the pupils have equal opportunities in accessing innovative forms of teaching. The teachers can also freely repurpose and share all educational resources. They involve their pupils in the learning process as effectively as it is only possible. In this system, expertise is needed for using the infrastructure of information-communication technologies. That is closely linked with the knowledge of copyright and open licenses.

Why Is Open Schooling?

Open education has a great impact on pupils, teachers, as well as parents, educational institutions, expert groups, decision-makers, and businesses: publishers, technology, and training companies. Opening a growing number of educational resources and their charge-free dissemination in digital form brings benefits to all these subjects. The place where the workings of open educational resources are visible most directly and clearly is, of course, the school. It is here that decisions about the choice of manuals and extra materials used in the classroom are made. It is in educational practice that their quality and usefulness are verified. The school is the place where pupils, teachers, parents, management, administration, and external partners all cooperate for mutual development. It is their expertise, knowledge, opportunities to access the right sources, and level of readiness to try out new solutions that define whether and to what extent open educational resources will be used.

H.S Open School
H.S Open School

How to Start Work on Opening Your School?

Executing the open school programs will help your motivation and thirst to know new knowledge. We believe that you will blight your colleagues with these qualities, but strut yourself for the occasional program with problems or lack of motivation as well. Open School helps you to carry out the self-analysis process among your colleagues. Its results help you to grow up your knowledge. It is maybe a good starting point to plan your further activities.

Open Schooling Information

There are three levels of learning that are equivalent to classes III, V, VIII of the outmoded school system. Besides these, there are Secondary and Senior Secondary Educational Courses that are equivalent to respectively class X and class XII. In recent times Vocational Courses are being also attached to Open Schooling or Distance Education in Kolkata. In our country, there are many areas where many pupils left their school life before completing Secondary or higher secondary Courses for many reasons like child laboring, dowry system, money problems, etc.

Role of COBSE in Open Schooling

COBSE or Council of Boards of School Education works the guidance to All Boards of School Education in India for Quality Control, Proper guidance of the education system of India. COBSE is a non-profit and autonomous organization that works for all education Boards / Councils of India.

So, COBSE will be setting up Regular Schools and Open Schools where school (regular/open) facilities are not available, especially in remote places, border areas, and hilly areas across the Country.

Gyankosh Academy is providing Higher Secondary or class 12 open schooling from private boards in West Bengal, Bihar, and Chhattisgarh. We are looking for 100% literacy in West Bengal and India. Now the students who were not completed their H.S., have a chance to complete their class 12 or H.S. exam for Higher Education. Open School H.S exam held in September- October in Rabindramukta Open Schooling and Open School H.S. exam held in April in NIOS board. We have attached The West Bengal Council of Rabindra Schooling is an open schooling council, The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Chhattisgarh Madrasa Board, Bihar Board of Open Schooling & Examination. Every school is affiliated with the COBSE (Council of Boards of School Education) govt. of India.

Students, who are searching for the Rabindra Open School Higher Secondary Admission, Exam, and others information, must contact Gyankosh Academy. We are ready to help you with Rabindra Mukta Open School Admission 2023.

One Year Madhyamik and H.S course admission going on in Kolkata, different private board or open schools.

National Institute of Open Schooling - NIOS Study Center in Kolkata for Help the Students

The National Institute of Open Schooling NIOS is the Board of Education for open schools in India. One could also say that it’s a school of open learning. This autonomous open school board in India was established by the Government in 1989. NIOS administers the secondary and senior secondary examinations of the open school system, which are equivalent to the CBSE and the CISCE exams and individual state boards.

NIOS Advantages:

There are no upper age restrictions for any of the learning programs

There are no classes to attend

There is no timeframe for taking an examination – a course can be completed in a time frame that suits the student – for example, what may be covered in 1 year of traditional schooling can be done in 4 or 5 years or even more, if the student so desires

Examinations are conducted by NIOS and can be given at any time, depending on when the student feels he or she is ready

Open learning is an alternative education system available for your child. Here’s all you need to know about the Open school system, the open school boards in India, and the schools of open learning.

Gyankosh Academy is providing NIOS admission in Kolkata and All subjects coaching at Dumdum, West Bengal. We have English and Bengali medium coaching Higher Secondary or Class 12 CBSE, ICSE, ISC, NIOS and Rabindra Mukta Vidyalaya, etc.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for Rabindra Mukta Vidyalaya Higher Secondary Examination Admission in Kolkata 2023 can be seen from the points given below.

The candidate who appeared in the Sr. Secondary Examination but has not passed the Examination beyond a period of five years from the date of the last examination, and then he/she will take admitted to the Higher Secondary level in WBCROS.

The candidate who has passed class X and submitted his / her mark sheet of Class X

The minimum age of admission in the H.S. Course is 18 years. There is no upper age limit.

Important Instructions

Higher Secondary admissions are held once a year. A learner can be admitted to the H.S. level course of study in a Rabindra Mukta Vidyalaya Study Centre in Kolkata.

The learner will be permitted to seat for the examination one year after the completion of the registration.

A learner need not appear in all his/her subjects at a time and can avail himself/herself of a maximum of nine chances at an interval of six months with five years to complete the course.

The credit transfer at the Higher Secondary level in respect of students, who appeared at the Secondary Examinations of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, Tripura Board of Secondary Education, National Institute of Open Schooling, and other State Open Schools, may be permitted for a maximum of five subjects.

The candidates, who appeared at the Distance Higher Secondary Examinations conducted by recognized Boards in other States, as well as those operating at the national level, maybe permitted for a maximum of five subjects.

NIOS Subjects for 12th Science

Subjects                                                                                                    Codes

Mathematics                                                                                                311

Physics                                                                                                           312

Chemistry                                                                                                      313

Biology                                                                                                           314

Computer Science                                                                                        330

Environmental Science                                                                                333

NIOS Subjects for 12th Commerce

Subjects                                                                                                          Codes


Economics                                                                                                         318


Business Studies                                                                                              319


Accountancy                                                                                                      320                                                             


Economics                                                                                                          318                                                          


Business Studies                                                                                                319


Data Entry Operations                                                                                      336

NIOS Subjects for 12th Arts

Subjects                                                                                                               Code

History                                                                                                                   315

Geography                                                                                                            316

Political Science                                                                                                   317

Home Science                                                                                                      321

Psychology                                                                                                           328

Home Science                                                                                                      321

Sociology                                                                                                               331

Painting                                                                                                                 332

Mass Communications                                                                                       335                                     

Tourism                                                                                                                 337        

Introduction to Law                                                                                             338

Library & Information Science                                                                           339

Tourism                                                                                                                 337

Introduction to Law                                                                                             338

Military History                                                                                                     375

Military Studies                                                                                                     374

Physical Education and Yoga                                                                              373

Early Childhood Care And Education                                                                376

भारतीय ज्ञान परंपरा                                                                                               (345-348)

Veda Adhyayan                                                                                                     345

Sanskrit Vyakarana                                                                                               346

Bharatiya Darshan                                                                                                347

NIOS Subjects for Class 12 Language

Subjects                                                                                                                   code

Hindi                                                                                                                          301

English                                                                                                                       302

Bengali                                                                                                                       303

Urdu                                                                                                                           306

Sanskrit                                                                                                                      309

Arabic                                                                                                                         341






Santali Paper- I & II

Accountancy – I & II

Biology- I & II

English- I & II

History- I & II

Mathematics- I & II

Education- I & II

Physics- I & II

Political Science- I & II

Chemistry- I & II

Home Science- I & II

Economics Geography- I & II

Geography- I & II

Business Organization- I & II